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necessary changes ~ Full Monty is for sale

The time has come for us to say goodbye to Full Monty. After 9 years with her, it is time to let her continue on her journey in the hands of someone new. Life has thrown new challenges at us, and it will be quite a few years before we can return to cruising. Therefore, … Continue reading »

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tribute to nikolai

October 23, 2017 I like to write fiction for fun in my free time. In one recent story that I’ve been working on, however, I’ve had my doubts about how realistic the main character is. This is because the primary motivation of the character is the words and actions of a person she only knew … Continue reading »

Categories: uncategorized | 2 Comments

updated pages

August 21, 2017 The title of this post is a lie. Well, partially. I did add more content to Justine’s Page, Justine’s Creativity Corner, Boat Life by Justine, and For Students, but these new entries are many of my English (and some American History) essays for ninth and tenth grade. While none of them talk … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, uncategorized | Leave a comment

technical difficulty

For some reason, the previous blog post, Huahine ~ the Hōkūleʻa, is having technical difficulty. Comments and Twitter links aren’t working properly. Therefore, I’m using this post to help identify the problem. In the meantime, it’s possible to leave comments or tweet from this post. Sorry for the inconvenience!  

Categories: uncategorized | 3 Comments

from a child’s eye: passage to new zealand

Tonga to New Zealand by Justine, written at age 14 We were leaving. I stood in the shade of the Pacific blue bimini that covers our large cockpit, my right hand gripping the rough wood of one of the two twin tables for balance as the floor beneath my feet started to move. I was … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, passages, uncategorized | Tags: , , , | 4 Comments

offline until hawaii

September 15, 2014 Sorry folks! For the time being, the rest of the New Zealand postings are going to have to be on hold. The Full Monty crew is preparing to depart French Polynesia and set sail for Hawaii. There is only a tentative plan of course, and only the wind knows which direction we’ll … Continue reading »

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new zealand ~ the official stuff

Novemeber 18, 2013 Haere mai ki Aotearoa! That’s “welcome to New Zealand!” in Maori. Before we even left Neiafu (Vava’u) in Tonga, I emailed an Advanced Notice of Arrival (Form NZCS 340) to New Zealand Customs. This form is supposed to be sent at least 48 hours prior to arrival in New Zealand territorial waters. … Continue reading »

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bora bora ~ wind & more wind

August 11 – 13, 2013 The wind howled and the wind howled. The Maramu winds seemed like they would never ease. While these strong southeast winds prevailed, we stayed tucked behind the northwestern tip of Toopua located to the western side of Bora Bora. Every time we’d make attempts for some snorkeling or a shore … Continue reading »

Categories: travel, uncategorized, weather | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

going offline again

Just a quick notice to everyone. We are headed out away from internet again, so we will most likely be offline for possibly the next month. You can continue to follow our progress by our winlink position reports, accessed by the link on the right side of our page. Blog posting will resume as soon … Continue reading »

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shaky shakedown

“If it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen out there!” That is what Kurt Russell’s character in the movie, “Captain Ron”, had said before taking a family of four out to sea. Those words are truer than true! It’s been 3 years since the boat has moved through the water, so we were fully aware of … Continue reading »

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