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cruising kids

updated pages

August 21, 2017 The title of this post is a lie. Well, partially. I did add more content to Justine’s Page, Justine’s Creativity Corner, Boat Life by Justine, and For Students, but these new entries are many of my English (and some American History) essays for ninth and tenth grade. While none of them talk … Continue reading »

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a new page

June 30, 2017 Your heart skips a beat. The shock grips you physically. You gasp. “This isn’t possible! There’s a new post!” Did I get that right? Was that your reaction? Even if it wasn’t, the fact that you’ve read to this point means that I at least got your attention, which is something that … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, living aboard, passages, travel | 2 Comments

last days of french polynesia

September – October 2014 Upon Wil’s return to Tahiti, our days following were a whirlwind of activity. The day he returned, we spent one last night in “Carrefour Bay” near Marina Taina, where we shared drinks out with s/v Liward and s/v Macha. This would be the last time to see our dear friends, Steve … Continue reading »

Categories: boat improvement & maintenance, cruising kids, electronics, mechanical, nature & wildlife, travel | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

a self portrait

February 13, 2016 Justine has decided it is time to let her voice be heard. She has painted a picture of herself with words. Check out Justine’s most recent blog post by clicking here. return to home page

Categories: cruising kids, living aboard | 2 Comments

moorea ~ captain mom & the wind

September 5 – 8, 2014 Ha’apiti After a week in the anchorage near Marina Taina, provisioning and spending our final days with s/v Liward, the kids and I finally hoisted the anchor and sailed to Moorea. A strong northeast wind was forecast for the area, so we chose to return to village Ha’apiti on Moorea’s … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, nature & wildlife, travel, weather | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

raiatea ~ work & play

August 7 – 21, 2014 Raiatea was to be our final stop in French Polynesia. The kids’ school books would be arriving in Raiatea soon. We were also eager to see our friends on s/v Zingaya who had returned home to Raiatea and were transitioning into their new jobs there. And, it was time for … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, travel | Tags: , | 2 Comments

huahine ~ kids, kids, kids!

July 17 – 31, 2014 ~ Baie d’Avea After an incredible morning with the voyaging canoes, we hoisted anchor and headed to Baie d’Avea at the southwestern end of Huahine. Baie d’Avea had been our first destination of choice for Huahine. Now, two weeks later, we were finally dropping the hook in this remote anchorage. … Continue reading »

Categories: boat improvement & maintenance, cruising kids, travel | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments

moorea, tahiti, moorea, tahiti ~ back & forth

June 1 – July 2, 2014 Even though s/v Liward was anchored in Baie d’Opunohu on Moorea’s north side, Steve and Lili rented a car and drove down to see us in Ha’apiti for the day. There were warm hugs all around when we picked them up at the stone wharf and dinghied them out … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, nature & wildlife, travel | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

tubuai ~ rest & recuperation

May 21 – 30, 2014 Tubuai, the administrative center for the Austral Islands, is known as the “fruit bowl and veggie bin” of French Polynesia. With fertile soil and a temperate climate, the island is capable of growing carrots, potatoes, cabbage, leeks, watermelon, pineapple, and lychees. However, only some of the produce is consumed on … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, nature & wildlife, travel | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

new zealand ~ final days in Kiwiland

March 14 – May 1, 2014 Time to get a move on. The number of days delinquent in posting to the blog is rapidly growing. Regardless of how tardy I am, I thoroughly enjoy re-living our travels with every post. Our final days in New Zealand were a blur of activity. We had just splashed … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, electronics, nature & wildlife, safety & health, travel, weather | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment