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Tagged With: SPOT Connect

explanation of position reporting problem

Over recent weeks, it has come to our attention that our position has disappeared from the map. Several of our good friends and readers have become concerned as to our whereabouts and our well-being. Rest assured, we are still on the globe and all doing quite well. Every time we are sailing on a major … Continue reading »

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twitter updates

As we’re quickly discovering, internet access is difficult to come by in the Bahamas. Therefore, for short day-to-day updates, you can follow us on Twitter. Every time I do a position report through SPOT, a brief message is sent to Twitter. This way, you can get little news blips in-between blog posts! return to home … Continue reading »

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our location

You will now be able to see our location as we move from place to place. I have also added the link to our sidebar. our current location As we pull away from the dock tomorrow morning, it could possibly be a few days before we get an internet connection again. (Our wifi antenna isn’t … Continue reading »

Categories: electronics, safety & health | Tags: | 2 Comments

questions answered

Do we get seasick? Will we have a satellite phone? Those questions are now answered on our FAQ page. return to home page

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