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Tagged With: snorkeling

moorea ~ captain mom & the wind

September 5 – 8, 2014 Ha’apiti After a week in the anchorage near Marina Taina, provisioning and spending our final days with s/v Liward, the kids and I finally hoisted the anchor and sailed to Moorea. A strong northeast wind was forecast for the area, so we chose to return to village Ha’apiti on Moorea’s … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, nature & wildlife, travel, weather | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

bora bora ~ beauty & a thief!

August 18 – 22, 2013 Before settling down for the night, Flour Girl gave us a call on the VHF to warn us that their solar powered mooring lights had been stolen off their stanchions while we’d all been snorkeling. We were shocked that anyone could have done that in broad daylight with lots of … Continue reading »

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toau ~ snorkeling video

July 9 – 15, 2013 There was no rest for the wreary. We’d barely arrived in Toau, and tied up to the mooring, when the kids and I went off for a snorkel outside the pass with Sueño, Flour Girl, and MacPelican. Wil had just come off his watch, so he took the morning for … Continue reading »

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kauehi ~ lessons learned

July 6, 2013 The winds were only going to be down for one day before picking up for another round of strong wind (southeasterly this time) and rain. We decided that we needed to make the most of our last day of sun. With a bit of spontaneity, we arranged a day trip to snorkel … Continue reading »

Categories: navigation, safety & health, travel | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

big major whirlwind

December 18 – 23, 2012 Our week at Big Majors Spot was a whirlwind of activity. Daily, Colin would finish school early, so he could play with the boys from What If and Good Trade. Justine and Colin worked extremely hard to complete all schoolwork that needed finishing before the Christmas holiday. Each afternoon, we … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, living aboard, nature & wildlife, travel | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

super snorkeling

December 14 – 16, 2012 ~ Leave only footprints, take only photos ~ is the motto for exploring within the Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park. However, in our case it was mostly leave only bubbles. Snorkeling the reefs within the Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park is an incredible experience. Since people are only … Continue reading »

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almost swept away

December 9 – 11, 2012 [Note: This post was an emotionally difficult one for me to write. My heart still races and I get nauseous when I think back through the ordeal.] My entire family was in danger and there was nothing I could do to help save them. Thanks to a French dive instructor, … Continue reading »

Categories: safety & health, travel | Tags: , , | 2 Comments

rose island

December 5 – 6, 2012 The anchorage on the southern side of Rose Island was a great snorkeling spot. There are a bunch of coral heads along the edge of the island, and since this reef is protected for tourism, there are many large fish swimming in and around the coral. As par for the … Continue reading »

Categories: living aboard, nature & wildlife, travel | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

snorkeling video

Here is some video we took while snorkeling at Lynyard Cay in the Abacos and near Lobster Cay in northern Eleuthera. A sea turtle and lionfish included! Bahamas Snorkeling   return to home page

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the abacos ~ lynyard cay

November 29 – 30, 2012 Pleasant surprises were found at Lynyard Cay. We had barely risen from our bunks, and Colin’s level of excitement was to be matched by only that of Christmas. He was quite eager to return to the water, and very quickly reminded me that I had promised a morning swim before … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, living aboard, nature & wildlife, travel | Tags: , , | Leave a comment