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Tagged With: Plymouth

farewell, Plymouth

This morning, we will finally throw off the dock lines and be on our way. The plan is to sail out to Stellwagen Bank in search of whales. Then, we will continue overnight, arriving in the Portland area sometime tomorrow. Check out our new link to my radio position reports. While we’re away from internet, … Continue reading »

Categories: nature & wildlife, passages, travel | Tags: , | 3 Comments

honoring the natives

    A touching way for Plymouth to recognize how the arrival of the Pilgrims affected the Native Americans. Reading the plaque brought tears to my eyes. Massasoit was of the Wampanoag Tribe who forged political and personal ties with the Pilgrims.         return to home page

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getting around town

Whether it’s Pilgrims marching down the street to the sound of beating drums, or Native Americans paddling in their dugout canoes, there are many ways to get around the town of Plymouth. We chose the city bus system. While we were able to get some fresh vegetables from a local farmer’s market nearby, we discovered … Continue reading »

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sights of Plymouth

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pocasset to plymouth

Our journey continues northward. We said good-bye to the lovely Red Brook Harbor of Buzzard’s Bay. We passed through the Cape Cod Canal and said hello to Cape Cod Bay and the historical town of Plymouth. Passing through Cape Cod Canal takes some planning with respect to tide and currents. Since the water can move … Continue reading »

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