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Tagged With: Bahamas

georgetown dolphin

January 2013 There was a small dolphin that frequented our anchorage at Stocking Island near Georgetown. One day, we saw other kids swimming, and the dolphin approached them. We immediately jumped into the dinghy and rode over to see the dolphin up close. Justine and Colin jumped in for an even closer look, as well. … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, nature & wildlife | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

reef shark video

January 2, 2013 Check out our shark video from Rudder Cut Cay in the Bahamas. It’s another up-close-and-personal view of some amazing animals! Watch as they eat the fish heads and other scraps thrown to them. The scene was calm when there was only one shark. With the arrival of the second shark, there’s a … Continue reading »

Categories: nature & wildlife, newsworthy | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

bounties of the sea . . . and sharks!

January 1 – 3, 2013 After spending another day in Black Point with boat chores (more laundry, boat cleaning, taking down Christmas decorations, etc), we pulled up the anchor by 8 a.m. and sailed offshore for another day of fishing. Whether we caught fish, or not, was the determining factor for our final destination. We … Continue reading »

Categories: fishing, living aboard, nature & wildlife | Tags: , , , , | 4 Comments

birthday surprises

December 31, 2012 [Now to get back on track with the blog posting] After bidding farewell to Jennifer and Pete, we pulled up anchor and set our course for Black Point and their famous laundry facilities. As we were departing the Staniel Cay area, two local, award-winning regatta boats were preparing to race each other … Continue reading »

Categories: living aboard, navigation, newsworthy, travel | Tags: , , | 2 Comments

family time

[Note: There are many more photos to come, but they will have to wait until our next internet connection] December 25 – 30, 2012 Christmas Day                   After awakening to presents under the tree, and a special Christmas breakfast of homemade cinnamon buns (made by What If), … Continue reading »

Categories: boat improvement & maintenance, fishing, travel | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

santa came to town

December 24, 2012 On Christmas Eve, Santa Clause rode into Staniel Cay Yacht Club on a sport fisher. Prior to his arrival, all cruising kids were invited for game and craft activities (face painting, cookie decorating, pin the nose on the snowman, bean bag toss, and other various crafts). Following the activities, all the kids … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, newsworthy | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

big major whirlwind

December 18 – 23, 2012 Our week at Big Majors Spot was a whirlwind of activity. Daily, Colin would finish school early, so he could play with the boys from What If and Good Trade. Justine and Colin worked extremely hard to complete all schoolwork that needed finishing before the Christmas holiday. Each afternoon, we … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, living aboard, nature & wildlife, travel | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

super snorkeling

December 14 – 16, 2012 ~ Leave only footprints, take only photos ~ is the motto for exploring within the Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park. However, in our case it was mostly leave only bubbles. Snorkeling the reefs within the Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park is an incredible experience. Since people are only … Continue reading »

Categories: travel | Tags: , , | 4 Comments

more photos

December 14 – 16, 2012 While I spend some more time editing video, here are are some additional photos of our time in the Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park.                                                   … Continue reading »

Categories: nature & wildlife, travel | Tags: , | 2 Comments

warderick wells cay

December 14 – 1 5, 2012 Here are some photos of our time in Warderick Wells Cay.                                             return to home page

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