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Tagged With: dolphins

new zealand ~ the holiday season

November 28 – December 29, 2013 For Thanksgiving, along with s/v Elcie and s/v Sueño, we hoisted anchor and sailed to Roberton Island for the holiday celebration. A Thanksgiving turkey dinner was served aboard Full Monty, and it was great fun to be among good friends. Walks were taken ashore, and Wil attempted to dive … Continue reading »

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bora bora to maupiti ~ humpback whales

August 22, 2013 Similar to the atolls of the Tuamotus, entrance through Maupiti’s only pass must be timed correctly with respect to weather, swell, and tidal current. This long and narrow pass can be completely inaccessible at certain times of the year, especially if the swell is southerly. If any south or southwest swell is … Continue reading »

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georgetown dolphin

January 2013 There was a small dolphin that frequented our anchorage at Stocking Island near Georgetown. One day, we saw other kids swimming, and the dolphin approached them. We immediately jumped into the dinghy and rode over to see the dolphin up close. Justine and Colin jumped in for an even closer look, as well. … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, nature & wildlife | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

return to jarrett bay

October 23, 2012 In preparation for our haul out at Jarrett Bay, Wil spent a full day running around town, collecting parts for the upcoming work. I spent my day with schooling the kids. Actually, Justine has become quite independent with her studies, so it’s rare when she needs me now. However, Colin still needs … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, living aboard, nature & wildlife | Tags: , | 1 Comment

a letter from Justine

Justine wrote a letter to her followers about her first experiences with dolphins and whales. Check it out. a letter from Justine return to home page  

Categories: cruising kids, nature & wildlife | Tags: , | Leave a comment

w.o.w. is WOW! (part two)

Now for the rest of the story! After the wind and seas subsided, and sick tummies began feeling better, we were able to relax and take in the sights around us. At one point, Wil called out that there were a bunch of little dolphins swimming with us. Upon closer inspection, they were schools of … Continue reading »

Categories: nature & wildlife, passages | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

w.o.w. is WOW! (part one)

Wow! Our word of the week (w.o.w.) is WOW! I don’t even know where to begin. The experiences on this trip were WOW! I fully expected this trip to be “old hat”. We’ve sailed the east coast quite a few times, so we are familiar with the many sights and sounds in this part of … Continue reading »

Categories: nature & wildlife, passages | Tags: , , | 1 Comment