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bora bora ~ wind & more wind

Posted by on February 13, 2014

August 11 – 13, 2013

The wind howled and the wind howled. The Maramu winds seemed like they would never ease. While these strong southeast winds prevailed, we stayed tucked behind the northwestern tip of Toopua located to the western side of Bora Bora.

Every time we’d make attempts for some snorkeling or a shore activity, it was either too windy or too cold. We’d try to dinghy to a known snorkel spot, but the wind and the wave fetch were so great that we’d have to turn back. We’d go ashore, hoping for some beach play, but it was too windy and too cold. When Justine and I did manage to find a snorkel spot nearby, the water was too cold, and we quickly returned to the boat. Anytime we heard about another boat moving to a new anchorage, there were issues due to the wind. Pacific Flyer left our anchorage to go have lunch with a Kiwi and Aussie group of boats at Bloody Mary’s. As they rounded the corner, a 40+ knot gust of wind almost blew their dinghy over, and they had to stop to secure it.

Regardless of the wind, we were in good company with good friends. We spent some time catching up with Yindee Plus. We had not seen them since the day their anchor was mangled that nasty day in Kauehi. The kids were all very happy to see each other again.

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