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last days of french polynesia

September – October 2014 Upon Wil’s return to Tahiti, our days following were a whirlwind of activity. The day he returned, we spent one last night in “Carrefour Bay” near Marina Taina, where we shared drinks out with s/v Liward and s/v Macha. This would be the last time to see our dear friends, Steve … Continue reading »

Categories: boat improvement & maintenance, cruising kids, electronics, mechanical, nature & wildlife, travel | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

it works, it doesn’t work

It works, it doesn’t work, it works . . . The systems on our boat can be just like pulling petals from a flower and doing the loves me, loves me not. I guess you could say, we have that type of love/love not relationship with our boat systems! The generator and the refrigerator have … Continue reading »

Categories: boat improvement & maintenance, electrical, mechanical | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

gender change

This is our new drive shaft coupler for the starboard prop shaft. It was ordered, and we waited for it to arrive. Once it arrived, Wil compared the old one with the new one. The new one has a male and a female side. Our old one is female on both sides. The new coupler … Continue reading »

Categories: boat improvement & maintenance, mechanical | Tags: , | Leave a comment

chore update

              While we have taken time out almost everyday to explore Plymouth, we have also been tending to our daily boat chores. So, I apologize if this post is about all of boring work stuff, and not about all of the fun exploring. With intent of reducing the amount … Continue reading »

Categories: boat improvement & maintenance, electrical, mechanical | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments

generator lift

In November, after Wil rebuilt the generator, we were finally able to bring the engine back onboard. Here’s how we did it. Generator Video ~ 1:48 video by Justine, edited by Jenny return to home page

Categories: boat improvement & maintenance, mechanical | 3 Comments