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Tagged With: surfing

while waiting on wind

August 21 – 28, 2014 While we waited on a favorable wind to take us to our next destination, there was no shortage of fun.                           return to home page

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punaauia & papeete ~ re-provisioning boat & soul

July 27 – August 3, 2013 The rest of our time in Tahiti was a time for re-provisioning the boat, as well as our souls. For so many months we’d been living in pure, rugged and remote wildernesses where provisions were slim to none. While we thoroughly enjoyed our time in the wild, now it … Continue reading »

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big major whirlwind

December 18 – 23, 2012 Our week at Big Majors Spot was a whirlwind of activity. Daily, Colin would finish school early, so he could play with the boys from What If and Good Trade. Justine and Colin worked extremely hard to complete all schoolwork that needed finishing before the Christmas holiday. Each afternoon, we … Continue reading »

Categories: cruising kids, living aboard, nature & wildlife, travel | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment