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toau ~ snorkeling video

Posted by on October 29, 2013

July 9 – 15, 2013

There was no rest for the wreary. We’d barely arrived in Toau, and tied up to the mooring, when the kids and I went off for a snorkel outside the pass with SueƱo, Flour Girl, and MacPelican. Wil had just come off his watch, so he took the morning for a chance to sleep.

During our stay in Toau, we enjoyed lots of snorkeling, and even some diving. Check out our video of snorkeling in the false pass of Anse Amyot, Toau. Listen carefully to the parrot fish as it munches on the coral! We even got to swim with a few sharks, but they somehow escaped being photographed.

Click to watch Anse Amyot, Toau ~ Tuamotus 2013 video.

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