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pocasset to plymouth

Posted by on August 2, 2012

Our journey continues northward. We said good-bye to the lovely Red Brook Harbor of Buzzard’s Bay. We passed through the Cape Cod Canal and said hello to Cape Cod Bay and the historical town of Plymouth.

Passing through Cape Cod Canal takes some planning with respect to tide and currents. Since the water can move at more than 4 knots through the canal, it is best to use that flow in your favor. As we motored into the canal, we watched our speed over ground (SOG) increase. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Our top SOG reached 11.1 knots while motoring with no sails up! It was lots of fun to watch, and we were through the 17-mile canal in very little time.

tug boat at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy

wind generator at the maritime academy













The Massachusetts Maritime Academy sits near the western entrance of the Cape Cod Canal.

Cape Cod Canal Railroad Bridge

our mast actually fits!









approaching Bourne Bridge ~ 135-foot clearance

it's still scary to see our mast & a bridge









entrance to Cape Cod Bay from the canal

traffic lights sit at both ends of the canal









With little to no wind, and dodging lobster pots the entire way, we motored into the much cooler waters of Cape Cod Bay and north towards Plymouth, famous for the Pilgrim’s landing in 1620. Once we arrived to our final destination in Plymouth Harbor, we were surprised to discover that the actual Plymouth Rock, as well as a replica of the Mayflower, were just off our starboard side! Both are a part of the Pilgrim Memorial State Park.

oh, the excitement of motoring!

Colin's "feel better" spot when underway









Gurnet Point Lighthouse ~ entrance to Plymouth Bay

Plymouth Rock sits protected









Mayflower II ~ a Mayflower replica

cormorants hanging out at low tide









an amazing 9.5-foot tidal drop!

Brewer Plymouth Marine launch basin at low tide













Due to our electrolysis issue, we have come to Brewer’s Plymouth Marine for some help. We are losing almost 6 amps per hour in an electrical leak that we can’t find. Wil has been through numerous circuits and corrected many things along the way. However, he cannot locate the source of the leak. At the same time, our generator started blowing its 8-amp fuse. After going through almost all of our fuses while trying to solve the problem, it’s time for some professional input.

While waiting for repairs, we get to enjoy the amenities of being at a marina dock. Warm showers, laundry facilities, access to fresh water, and the ability to hop off for a walk on a moment’s notice are those that we will enjoy the most.

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