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Tagged With: Stellwagen Bank

whale video

Here is some raw video footage of our whale encounter on Stellwagen Bank. Humpback Whales ~ August 2012 (raw) return to home page

Categories: nature & wildlife | Tags: , | 2 Comments

whoa whales!

Stellwagen Bank is marine sanctuary located in the southwest corner of the Gulf of Maine, between Cape Ann and Cape Cod Bay. After talking to several boaters from the New England area about Stellwagen Bank and whale watching, we knew exactly where we would be headed next. As we departed Plymouth, we were all extremely … Continue reading »

Categories: nature & wildlife, passages, travel | Tags: , | 4 Comments

farewell, Plymouth

This morning, we will finally throw off the dock lines and be on our way. The plan is to sail out to Stellwagen Bank in search of whales. Then, we will continue overnight, arriving in the Portland area sometime tomorrow. Check out our new link to my radio position reports. While we’re away from internet, … Continue reading »

Categories: nature & wildlife, passages, travel | Tags: , | 3 Comments