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photos & poetry

huahine ~ heiva in fare

July 3 – 17, 2014 The overnight sail from Tahiti to Huahine was a good sail and completely uneventful. As the sun rose, so did the view of Huahine on the horizon. Due to our expiring visas the year before, we had to skip a visit to Huahine, and we were making up for it … Continue reading »

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Protected: when all you see is ocean & sky

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Categories: cruising kids, newsworthy, passages, photos & poetry | Tags: , | Enter your password to view comments.

in memory of

The following is a poem that was written by a dear sailor friend of ours who recently passed away. I decided to share this poem, not only in his memory, but also for all of the sailors out there who can relate to the experiences of cruising the world. I remember time at sea by … Continue reading »

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foggy spring mornings

photo taken by Wil return to home page

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