Author Archives: Jenny
somes sound
Our journey from Kimball Island to Somes Sound was another long day of motorsailing, but it was completely worth the effort. As we approached Mount Desert Island and the Acadia National Park area, the elevation of the land rose in absolute … Continue reading
kimball island
We departed Long Cove, not knowing which island would provide us with our dinnertime views. Kimball Island ended up being that island. We found our first secluded anchorage on the northwest side of the island. Peaceful and gorgeous. We only stayed one night, but we … Continue reading
school begins
Transitioning to boat living and starting to cruise while the kids were on summer vacation was a great way to adjust to our new life. We didn’t have to worry about a school schedule or whether anyone was motionsick. Now summer fun had come to a close, and it was time to bring out the … Continue reading
eastern egg rock & trouble
By 0730 we had departed Monhegan Island and were headed for Eastern Egg Rock. We let the kids continue to sleep, and we figured we would wake them once we’d found the puffins. As we neared the tiny, rocky island, Wil was at the helm and I was trying to see if there were puffins … Continue reading
whale video
Here is some raw video footage of our whale encounter on Stellwagen Bank. Humpback Whales ~ August 2012 (raw) return to home page
monhegan island
When we departed Jewell Island, we really didn’t know where we were going to end up. We only knew that we were headed east. I had looked at the charts and picked a harbor at Damariscove Island. We set out early enough in the day, so that if we couldn’t find a good anchorage for … Continue reading
jewell island
Jewell Island is exactly that. A jewel. Especially for the crew of the Full Monty. After having been at a marina for 2 weeks, and then a day in Portland, we were craving to be anchored with nature. Jewell Island was that first bit of nature and the quiet anchorage that we’d been longing for. … Continue reading
plymouth to portland
After our big day of whale watching, we settled in for the night with plans to make a mid-morning landfall in the Portland area. As seems to be the case lately, we were again motorsailing. The Gulf of Maine was a glassy flat with barely a breeze. During my first watch of the night, a … Continue reading
whoa whales!
Stellwagen Bank is marine sanctuary located in the southwest corner of the Gulf of Maine, between Cape Ann and Cape Cod Bay. After talking to several boaters from the New England area about Stellwagen Bank and whale watching, we knew exactly where we would be headed next. As we departed Plymouth, we were all extremely … Continue reading