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Posted by on March 13, 2013

January 4 – 13, 2013

After tons of fun at Rudder Cut Cay, it was time to get ourselves to Georgetown where we would set ourselves up for departure from the Bahamas. s/v Eye Candy headed for Georgetown, as well.

The Georgetown area and its neighboring islands are well known for being a place where hundreds of cruisers either hang out for all the fun, or get stuck there waiting on a weather window. We were determined to have ourselves in and out of Georgetown as quickly as possible. That “quickly as possible” turned into 10 days. Not so bad on the Georgetown scale!

We anchored near Monument Beach at Stocking Island, and barely had the hook down, when people we knew rode up in their dinghies to give us the local scoop. Best of all, we were reunited with s/v What If and s/v Good Trade. The kids couldn’t wait to play. For the next 9 days, while we waited on a good weather window, we spent time playing with friends and making re-provisioning trips across the harbor.

So I can play catch-up in my posting, I will quickly list the highlights and show more with photos.

The kids would dinghy ashore on their own to go play with the other kids. We got to pet the sting rays at Volleyball Beach. Every sunset began with the blowing of conch horns, and then the anchorage grew silent to listen to a bag pipe performance. We made our own conch horn and learned how to blow it. A wild dolphin played with the kids while they were swimming. I borrowed a heavy duty sewing machine from s/v Triumph (from NC), so I could finish the jib repairs. There were many fun evenings with s/v Eye Candy, s/v What If, and s/v Good Trade. Andrew (s/v Eye Candy) hired me on to be Net Control on the Magellan Net every Thursday.

taking the short way up!

hanging out on the Stocking Island monument

Full Monty anchored at Georgetown (left side of photo)

view from the top of Stocking Island

the most beautiful water

conch horn blowing at sunset

bag pipes at sunset






sewing the jib . . . again

great friends!

when the kids went ashore on their own, this is where they were found

the landing

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