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work & play

Posted by on November 4, 2012

October 17 – 23, 2012

We kicked off our first week back in Beaufort with celebration of our 2oth wedding anniversary. Right before our dinner date for the evening, Wil did what every good, surf-loving husband does. He took the opportunity to go catch some waves that were coming in from Hurricane Rafael. I was the understanding wife, encouraging him to go since it had been a long time since he’d seen any surf. He had a great time, and made it back in time for us to go to dinner. We took the kids to Grandma’s house and enjoyed a quiet evening to ourselves.

The rest of the week was a whirlwind of activity. While I schooled with the kids, Wil spent time running back and forth from West Marine and other parts suppliers. He also dealt with making sure we had everything in hand prior to our upcoming haul out at Jarrett Bay. Every afternoon after school, Colin played with his buddy on What If.

Even though there was tons of work to be done, we couldn’t allow for all work, and no play. Local friends would drop by for visits. We had What If over before they departed for warmer waters. And, we spent time with new found friends on Celebrate who we had met in Plymouth, MA back in August. We thoroughly enjoyed every minute.

friends came bearing gifts ~ including home cooked boiled peanuts!




















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