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all play & no work

Posted by on June 10, 2012

starboard engine fuel filter (left) and remote oil filter (right)

Ever since Wil’s early retirement last Friday, we have worked absolutely every day on the boat. Even on a down day, there would be at least a little bit of work. But, not for the past 24 hours!

Wil’s sister and niece flew in from California, on their way to look at east coast colleges. The family visited and they spent one night aboard before moving on to their next destination. Even after they left, the relaxation and socializing continued with wonderful food served. The kids were quite excited to rediscover what a normal life is like. No packing to drive for the weekend, no boat work, and getting to have a social life.

The brief break was probably long overdue. Over the past few days, both Wil and I have noticed that we are starting to have little mishaps. As much time that we’ve spent on this boat, one would think we would know how to move around the boat. However, along with an accidental slip on deck and a misstep at the ladder, elbows and heads have been bumped, toes stubbed, and legs banged. We figure that our bodies are starting to feel fatigued, and therefore a day off is okay. After a good night’s sleep, hopefully tomorrow we will be refreshed and ready to tackle a whole new day.

The photo shows the completed fuel and oil filter installations from the previous day. Our next jobs are to install the new lithium batteries, a true sin wave inverter, and a bracket plate for the new radar dome.

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