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load three of four

Posted by on May 18, 2012


and yet another truck load photo

We are another week closer!

Today, we are hauling as many of our remaining items as possible. Next week we need to carry a large table and 4 chairs, so there won’t be as much room in the truck bed. I even cancelled school today, so the kids could help organize the load. However, after Justine was finished helping, she decided to “go to school” anyway. She is determined to get the school year finished within the next 3 days.

The current weather situation in eastern NC has us very nervous about this drive to the boat. There is an isolated low pressure system that’s sitting there until another system can give it a push. We have tarps and lots of big garbage bags, but moving in the rain is just not fun. Especially when there’s an 8-foot ladder at the other end that everything must go up. Not fun!

The items going along for this possibly very wet drive include: more clothes & food provisions, a waffle maker, electric mixer, vacuum sealer, dvds, assorted toys, more books & school supplies, beading supplies, a sewing box, scrap booking materials, Simple Green & rubber gloves, jars of sharks teeth & sea shells, a BB gun, a bamboo blow gun, UDAP bear spray, high tinsel strength shackles, a tank sending unit, our new trampolines, sporting goods, and 3 surfboards.

Also, along for this ride are 3 boxes of memories headed for Grandma’s attic, a shop vac going to its new home, as well as a bunch of items aimed for a yard sale. Knowing that the boat’s inventory will need to be slimmed down before departure, I’ve teamed up with Wil’s mom to do a yard sale at her house the weekend after we are completely moved aboard. It will be our last ditch effort for a little extra cash!

NOTE: After I published this post, it seems that some dear friends of ours became worried about the fact that we would be carrying jars of sharks teeth & sea shells. They were worried that we might sink ourselves with any additional shell collecting before we even reach Panama! We assured them that these jars are only temporary. We brought them as “beading” supplies for the kids’ necklace making. They are trying to increase their necklace inventory, so they too might make a little extra cash along the way. We got a good chuckle, but were very appreciative of our friends’ thoughtful intervention. It’s good to know we have such great friends!

On another note, I also want to mention that the BB gun will only be staying with us while we’re still in the states. Once we leave the US, the toy gun could possibly be mistakened as a real gun, or even considered a weapon, so it’s too risky to take it into other countries.

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