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load two of four

Posted by on May 10, 2012

just another truck load photo

Today marks our second of the four final loads to the boat. Only 2 more to go after this! For the most part, the boat seemed to absorb our first load quite easily. We were pleasantly surprised! Although, we fear that with each load, it’s going get more difficult to find storage locations for the items.

This trip includes a 5 hp Honda dinghy motor, a variety of anchor chains, 3 boogie boards, a skim board, more food provisions, some sundowner spirits, bread pans, mixing bowls, a grain grinder, a bucket of wheat berries, fabric for curtains, personal care items, board games, swimsuits & towels, more clothes, a lap harp, Calvert school books & assorted school supplies, other miscellaneous books, more art supplies, a Wii balance board & games, 2 camp mats, upcoming birthday presents, an acoustic guitar, and 2 skateboards.

There are also 2 (out of 6) chairs and a trunk that are going along for this ride, and headed to grandma’s house.

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