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load one of four

Posted by on May 4, 2012


first load of four

Today marks the first of four final loads to the boat. The rest of our belongings must fit into four pickup truck loads and then onto the boat. As we look around at the remaining items in the singlewide trailer we’ve been renting for the past little while, it’s hard to imagine that it will all fit. Either into four loads, or onto the boat. Maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised!

This trip includes an 8-foot inflatable dinghy, miscellaneous boat lines, Spinlock harnessess, foul weather gear, 2 swing chairs, a tent, snorkeling gear, fishing rods, water toys, food and daily provisions, assorted books, clothes, the kids’ stuffed animal duffel bags, art supplies, a donut maker, and many other little items. Added to this load are a wood planer and a spice rack that are going to their new home.

Now we have to hope it doesn’t rain on every Friday!

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