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santa came to town

Posted by on January 29, 2013

December 24, 2012

On Christmas Eve, Santa Clause rode into Staniel Cay Yacht Club on a sport fisher. Prior to his arrival, all cruising kids were invited for game and craft activities (face painting, cookie decorating, pin the nose on the snowman, bean bag toss, and other various crafts). Following the activities, all the kids were treated to a pizza lunch with a cupcake and ice cream dessert. When Santa arrived, the kids lined up for their turn to tell him what they wanted for Christmas. Then, they each received a stocking with small toys and goodies, and were directed to gift tables labeled for each age group (up to 12 years old), where they each picked out a wrapped present. Justine got a beading kit, and Colin got a glow-in-the-dark basketball. We were amazed at, and appreciate, the generosity of Staniel Cay Yacht Club. And thank you, Santa!

cookie decorating

kids from Full Monty, Good Trade, What If & Essentiel

sting ray at Staniel Cay Yacht Club

After our visit with Santa, we rushed back to the boat to excitedly await the arrival of Wil’s mom and Pete. They were flying into Staniel Cay on their own plane. I set my handheld ham radio to the Staniel Cay air traffic control frequency, and listened for their approach. As soon as we heard them, Wil, along with Ross from Good Trade, took two dinghies to pick them up. In addition to their own luggage, we knew they were bringing extra Christmas goodies!

Once Jennifer and Pete were aboard, it was even more like Christmas! It was wonderful to see family again, and they fulfilled our request for junk food.

Jennifer and Pete barely had time to get settled before it was time to head to the beach for a Christmas Eve bonfire party, open to all cruisers in the anchorage. Everyone we knew was there (Cat, Essentiel, Tangerine Dream, What If, and Good Trade), and we met many more. There was an abundance of good food, especially from Tangerine Dream since Philippe had been a chef for 28 years! And Cathy’s rum punch was absolutely delicious!

Eventually, it was time to return to the boat, so we could get ready for the real Santa. The kids put out cookies and milk, as well as carrots for the reindeer. Then, it was off to bed hoping for at least a little bit of sleep.

Simon photographing the pigs

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