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mended by a nurse

Posted by on January 2, 2013

December 12 – 15, 2012

The next day after our traumatic experience in the current, we hoisted anchor and worked our way into the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park. We spent one night at Shroud Cay, before getting to Warderick Wells Cay, home of the park headquarters.

We barely had the anchor down when I spotted a nurse shark in the water just off our stern. As soon as our boat was still, it made its way under our boat to have a rest.

Colin was so excited to see the shark he couldn’t wait to get in the water for a closer look. We didn’t want to miss a video opportunity, so we had to hold Colin back while we got the camera ready.

Justine was just finishing school, and she wasn’t sure if she should go for swim right away. She still can’t over my words to her, “You can go swim with the shark, if you want to.” How many kids ever hear those words out of their mother’s mouth?

Eventually, we were all in the water with the shark, and it was the most incredible experience. Over the next few days, this nurse shark and its shark sucker would return to visit us. One really large remora swam on its own and would help itself to cleaning our bottom.

We thank the nurse shark for taking our minds off our Allan’s Cay experience. For the first time since being caught in the current, we were focused on a new experience of a lifetime, and it was a lot more fun. We could go to bed dreaming of swimming with sharks instead!

Check out the video of our friendly nurse shark!

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