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spanish wells

Posted by on December 12, 2012

December 1 – 3, 2012

the waterfront at Spanish Wells

Royal Island turned into just a brief overnight stop on our way to Spanish Wells. We were hoping for some fun snorkeling in the small, protected harbor, but the strong northeasterly winds had really disturbed the water’s clarity. Therefore, we quickly sailed on to Spanish Wells at St. George’s Cay in Eleuthera.

After a brief tour of the Spanish Wells waterfront, we found a small cove big enough for one boat to anchor. It was our original intention to get some shopping done in Spanish Wells. However, moments after dropping the hook, we checked to see if we could find an internet signal. Lo and behold we’d found one! It was our first internet since leaving the states, and we were all excited to do some catching up. It didn’t take long before all you could hear onboard was the sound of taps on the keyboard.

As evening fell, Spanish Wells lit up. Many homes were decorated in Christmas lights, reminding us that Christmas as just around the corner. It was a beautiful sight.

Realizing that Spanish Wells was too small for the errands we needed to run, we decided to use the next two days to catch up on school, write blog posts, and get the water maker working.

Water desalination was a success! Wil was a happy camper as he brought around the first glass of fresh water for all of us to sample. It was amazing at how smooth and fresh the water tasted. That afternoon, the water maker produced about 150 liters per hour (33 gallons/hour). After letting it run for 2 hours, we had filled a little more than half of one water tank. It was a huge relief knowing that this could be the end of having to find a dock with water, or having to lug jerry jugs in the dinghy. It was also nice to know that we won’t have to purchase water outside the states, and that our water will be safe to drink.

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