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provincetown & a shark

Posted by on September 12, 2012

September 6, 2012

As much as we would have liked to explore Provincetown, we only had one day of light southerly winds before they would become stronger again. We needed to travel SW across Cape Cod Bay, and back through Cape Cod Canal to Pocasset, so we had to take advantage of only light winds against us. Therefore, our Provincetown tour was only from the water.

light house at Provincetown

Provincetown waterfront

Pilgrim Monument Tower ~ Provincetown


While motor sailing across Cape Cod Bay, Wil got glimpse of a shark swimming near a lobster float. He called “shark!” and circled around for all of us to see. The shark swam to within 10 feet of the boat before finally diving out of sight. Later, we identified it as a blue shark.

a blue shark came to check us out

Transiting the Cape Cod Canal was pretty straight forward. We had the green light, the current was with us, and the railroad bridge was up. After passing through the canal, we arrived in Pocasset and found our same spot to anchor in Red Brook Harbor. It was almost like being home in the familiar territory.




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