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Posted by on June 16, 2012

the Dashews' Wind Horse

Earlier this spring, we had the privilege of seeing Wind Horse hauled out at Jarrett Bay. Wind Horse is owned and designed by Steve and Linda Dashew, authors of the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and many other cruising books. They have been sitting at the dock for this past week. Quite a fascinating boat!

My dad suddenly ended up in open heart surgery, so I am currently in the NC mountains with my family. Wil has remained at the boat with the kids. He’s getting to be a single Dad for this Father’s Day! I’m just so thankful I could be here with my dad & family. With this turn of events, I realize even more that now is the time for us to go cruising. One never knows what could happen, and we need to take advantage of the freedom and ability to do it now.

Our plans for painting the bottom of the boat have been delayed until I return sometime next week. Until then, the hull will be polished first, and the lithium battery installation should be completed. Wil will keep me informed with the work progress, and hopefully keep the pictures coming.

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