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boots are hung

Posted by on June 2, 2012

retired landscape boots over the power line

On his last day of work, Wil quite literally hung up his boots, symbolizing of the end of his landscaping career and marking the beginning of what is now his life as a mariner. He will miss the many good people whom he worked with for so many years, but he is ready for the next exciting, new chapter in our lives. After he hung his boots, he enjoyed a wonderful going away party given by his co-workers and their families. Many thanks for all of the tasty food and fine gifts!

As we drove away from the Raleigh/Durham area for our last time, we were exhausted and numb. The past month has been a constant whirlwind of activity which all came to a head over these past few days. It wasn’t until this morning when we started to realize that this is it. This time we are here to stay. The boat is our home.

Today became a day to sleep in and take things slowly. It was a day to recharge our minds. I made a pancake breakfast for the kids. We had our morning coffee and read email. There was no movement toward any major projects. Throughout the day we gradually unpacked a bit more and put things away. Wil enjoyed his first day without his cell phone. We had a sit down family dinner followed by a relaxing walk at sunset. The day was good.

Tomorrow we will pick up the pace again. I will attempt to sort through and slim down the items we have onboard. Wil may re-bed a galley porthole or finish installing the Racor filters. My sister and her family will come for a visit, as well as leave with my car and our bikes that they are purchasing from us. Starting tomorrow afternoon, we will be without our own land based transportation. Even though the boat is not floating yet, we are officially cruising, and we’re loving it!

the fine gifts are greatly appreciated!

one project completed for the day ~ bottle opener mounted



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