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temporary recharge

Posted by on April 30, 2012

small NC creek rapid

playing with the camera









rushing creek rapid

the two ducks actually rode down the falls!









the lovely mallard couple

NC mountain flower blooms










This weekend, we had a few of days off from boat work, and it turned into a recharge that our minds and bodies needed.

Even though we are selling all of our furniture, there are a few pieces that are being passed to family members. When we came back from cruising 12 years ago, our belongings were minimal and we had no furniture. Wil had the opportunity to help take down an old barn in the NC mountains, and he was able to keep the wood that he removed. This wood is the increasingly rare wormy chestnut. He used the wormy chestnut to build a dining table, a bed, a spice rack, and an armoire. This weekend, we hauled the bed and armoire to their new home. Sometime in the next couple of weeks, the spice rack and table will go to their new home.

During our weekend in the mountains, in addition to visiting with family, we cheered my 71-year old dad across the finish line of a 62 mile bicycle race. We also celebrated with him in the fact that he broke his own speed record. Most impressive!

Wil managed several naps throughout the weekend, the kids enjoyed playing on the farm with the animals and visiting with grandparents, and I embraced in the beauty of it all. Sadly, I also said good-bye to a very special horse which was a big part of my life. She is 31-years old and has been retired on my parents farm. She is nearing her end, and I will most likely not ever see her again.

Now, we’re back to business as usual. The kids and I are finishing up the last three weeks of school. There is more furniture to sell and more donations to make. There are only 4 more loads to take to the boat, and then we begin our next phase. The relaxation was nice while it lasted!

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