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no water . . . again

Posted by on April 21, 2012

new dish washing technique

We were without water again!
While we were hosting dinner for another boat family, a water fitting in the engine room sprung a leak. We were dishing out dinner when we realized the water pump was running continually. We knew our water tanks were close to empty, so we turned off the water pump. Little did we know . . . our newly installed 1100 gph bilge pump had also been running. Our water tank had emptied out through the engine room. At least now we know the bilge pump works!
With a galley full of dirty dishes and no water, we went to bed. The next morning, a hose through the galley hatch became our faucet. A brand new faucet in the galley, and we have to use a hose!
Since the incident, Wil managed to find a replacement fitting and make the repair. However, this is a French boat in the States. There is such a mix match of metric vs standard onboard, and finding proper parts is proving to be quite difficult. At a later date, I will try to go into more detail regarding this issue.
This water leak reminded me of my Sinking on the Hard post in our previous Sailblogs site.

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