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one thing leads to another

Posted by on March 19, 2012

reorganizing the cockpit

where do we put it all?

Onboard a boat, one action or discovery almost always leads to another. All we wanted to do was put away our fishing gear!
As we move more items to the boat, we have in our minds where we want to store everything. One problem however . . . there are already other items in those places. Storage of our fishing gear has been a prime example of cascading actions.
Over time, our fishing gear has collected in a variety of locations throughout the boat, not all of it in the most ideal of places. Old gear, new gear, hand-me-down gear, Colin’s gear. In the forward cabin, in the aft lazarette, in another lazarette, on the salon table, and on the ledge by the main door. It was time to do something about it!
Last week, we discussed the possibilities of a convenient and logical home for the fishing gear, and came to a final decision for its new location. Next, we thought through the process of putting it there. First, the variety of hoses that are currently stored in that lazarette would need to be removed. But they are filthy! The hoses needed to be cleaned before placing them in their new home . . . the forward lazarette at the starboard bow. But, that forward lazarette is emptied of most contents because we had to get into the watertight compartments to do fiberglass repairs at the bows. The repairs are complete, but we can’t seal off the compartments until our new, specially-designed parachute anchor attachments and backing plates are mounted to the decks. The machinist who is designing the attachments got pulled off of our job to do another job. So, wasn’t I talking about storing fishing gear?
Yesterday, the cascade began when Justine started cleaning out the “cleaning supply” lazarette. Once she was done with that compartment, Wil had her move on to the next compartment, and then the next, and so on. Before we knew it, all of us were involved in emptying cockpit lazarettes, sorting through keepers, donatables, and trash. We scrubbed and reorganized. By the end of the day, the fishing gear had its new home!
Now, as for those hoses . . .

assorted hoses

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