Tagged With: Pacific crossing
pacific crossing mishaps
April 23 – May 13, 2013 Day 2: The clew to the mainsail tore apart from its attachment to the boom. Fortunately, Wil happened to notice the separation in the webbing before the foot of the main came totally loose. We put a reef in the main, and continued to sail while we made repairs. … Continue reading
daily routine on the pacific
April 23 – May 13, 2013 Everyday for 21 days, with very little variation, we maintained a fairly constant routine. Each morning, as Wil was finishing his graveyard watch, he would have a walkabout on deck. This was the perfect time to see what daylight would expose. This was his way of finding out if … Continue reading
into the unknown ~ day 1
April 23, 2013 It was on a Tuesday morning near 0900 hours when we hauled the anchor from Isabela Island in the Galapagos. Anxiety and excitement turned in our stomachs. We would be sailing into the biggest unknown of our lives. There was a good wind that had arrived to help us bid farewell to … Continue reading