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Tagged With: moving aboard

lost in time

  For the first time, we are starting to feel lost in time. Today, we had to ask what day it was. Not such bad thing when you’re cruising. However, we still have a bit of a schedule to keep in order to get ourselves back in the water. I also keep feeling the need … Continue reading »

Categories: boat improvement & maintenance, moving aboard, travel | Tags: , | Leave a comment

last auto gone, moving on

My car with surf racks, a bike rack, and two bikes drove away yesterday. As I stood there watching them go, I felt like pinching myself. It still doesn’t seem completely real. Later, I glanced at the calendar and saw everything that had been on the schedule up until June 1st. In the few days … Continue reading »

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boots are hung

On his last day of work, Wil quite literally hung up his boots, symbolizing of the end of his landscaping career and marking the beginning of what is now his life as a mariner. He will miss the many good people whom he worked with for so many years, but he is ready for the … Continue reading »

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GO ! ! !

                                      We are on our way! What a feeling! What a relief. The rush of emotions felt. Twelve years to reach this point. Eight years of driving every weekend, all in the name of getting a boat. … Continue reading »

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set . . .

One more day until we are together as a family for 24/7. Yes, we like that idea!   return to home page  

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ready . . .

Two days until no more driving to the coast every weekend.   return to home page

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on our mark . . .

  Three more days until no cell phones.   return to home page

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cooling off

Over these past few days, we’ve been trying to cool off in more ways than one. As we are rapidly approaching full-time liveaboard status, the weather is getting warmer, and there’s no end in sight for the amount of work to be done. Although, today we were able to see a big dent in the … Continue reading »

Categories: boat improvement & maintenance | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

load four of four

Pictures speak a thousand words. The photos may say a lot, but one funny story must be told. This morning, we were moving at a high rate of speed in order to get the truck loaded. There was a lot of unsettled weather in the area, and we needed to hit the road as soon … Continue reading »

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Checked off this week: received FCC Ship’s Station license . . . check Colin finished the 4th grade . . . check Colin’s 10th birthday celebrated . . . check Vesper AIS Watchmate 850 ordered and shipped . . . check sold a water cooler, a clock radio, a set of lamps, a camera and … Continue reading »

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