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bending windows

Posted by on February 7, 2012

one of the windows to be replaced

We have replaced almost all windows onboard, one exception being the 2 bent windows on the forward deck. The challenge here is . . . how does one bend a flat piece of 1/2-inch acrylic to an almost 90 degree angle without damaging it? Wil tried to think of all sorts of ways to do it himself, but the ultimate decision was to have someone else do it for him. This, however, was still a challenge. In order for the glass person to bend the new glass, he needs to have an identical form to use. Wil removed one window without a problem. It pulled out quite nicely. The other window wasn’t quite as simple. It cracked & broke as he tried to lift it out. This meant the form was compromised. Wil decided to use fiberglass to preserve the form. Once the window was totally free, he left it in place, and applied a layer of fiberglass to the window. Once the fiberglass was dry, he was able to remove window and still keep it’s original shape. This past weekend he delivered the glass for bending. In the meantime, there are layers of plastic & tape covering our open windows. Keeping our fingers crossed it doesn’t rain too much before the new glass can go in!

Yesterday, four huge boxes of Calvert books showed up. They are my next 2 years of homeschool books. Yikes! Now the big question is . . . where am I going to store them? So much for keeping a catamaran lightweight! Every February, Calvert has a 30% off sale on all of their books & supplies. I have discovered that this is even cheaper than buying used and using their re-use courses. So last week, I purchased our 7th & 8th grade curriculums. Today, I will sort through the books and attempt to vacuum seal them for extra protection. That way, we’ll be able to store them safely without worrying about possible water damage.

excited about their new books


















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