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new zealand ~ bay of islands to whangarei

Posted by on November 30, 2014

January 2 – 3 , 2014

With an overnight stop in Whangamumu Bay, we took two leisurely days to sail from Bay of Islands to the Whangarei area.

sailor girl


west side of Cape Brett ~ inside Bay of Islands









cute Little Blue Penguin sleeping?

oops! think we woke the penguin!

Motukokako Island ~ also known as Piercy

boats go through the tunnel










eastern side of Cape Brett Lighthouse

my dad enjoying the helm while Wil relaxes

enjoying the extra crew onboard







hanging a new gift from Santa

approaching Bream Head






gorgeous rolling hills of Parua Bay, Whangarei

Upon our arrival to Parua Bay, we were greeted by dear family friends who have been living in New Zealand. We were able to anchor near their home, and they took us in for dinner during our first night there. In addition to spending the next couple of days getting reaquainted with our friends, we also got to enjoy the amenities of a real house. Long, hot showers and a clothes washer!

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