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tip of the month ~ trash tricks

Posted by on December 9, 2012

One of the best tricks we’ve learned is how to handle our smelly trash. Thanks to our good friends onboard Matador, we can now go for longer periods of time without stinky trash bags piling up inside the boat.

When we’re underway, and well offshore, all biodegradable foods and items can be tossed overboard, something we’ve always done all along. However, now when we open a package of food wrapped in plastic, we stuff the dirty plastic wrapper into an empty jar or can with a lid, such as a peanut butter jar. Meat packaging gets rinsed with salt water, and then cut into bits small enough to fit into the designated “trash” container.

So far, we have continued to put non-smelly plastics into the regular garbage bag. However, Matador had also told us to put all trash into empty bottles or containers, and then it’s much easier to dinghy your trash ashore.

It’s amazing what one can learn when sitting around sharing yarns with other cruisers!

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