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just off the beach

Posted by on July 31, 2012

anchored so close to the beach, you'd think we were aground

After getting water and fuel from a local marina last week, we dropped our anchor a bit closer to the beach than where we had been originally. We were quite surprised when we woke up the next morning to find our stern sitting towards the beach, and we were still floating. Our depth sounder read 4.2 feet, but our keels draw 5 feet. We stuck a paddle down to the mud and measured 6 feet of water off our stern. It was a relief to know we had a little bit of breathing room.
In the meantime, we can enjoy the closeness of the shore. The kids can easily swim and snorkle over to the beach. We even collected some fresh clams for homemade New England clam chowder. Yummy!

ready for some exploring

paddling to shore with the collecting bucket

fresh clams for New England clam chowder

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