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summer weekends on Cape Cod

Posted by on July 30, 2012

Boaters in the harbors of Cape Cod really seem to know how to have fun during their summer weekends. While we have Red Brook Harbor all to ourselves during the weekdays, on the weekends the harbor comes alive with people relaxing and enjoying a good time on their boats.

For the past two weeks, the routine has been the same. For Monday through Thursday, we are almost the only boat on the anchorage side of the harbor. During this time, we thoroughly enjoy the peacefulness and beauty of the anchorage. Then, starting Thursday evening, several power boats or small sailboats start showing up to drop their anchors. Some people stay on their boats. Others anchor their boat and then dinghy ashore to return on the weekend. It’s as though they are reserving their spot for weekend fun.

looking across the harbor to the moored boats

same view, but with weekend party rafts

To us, the puzzling part about this whole scenario is the close proximity of the other boaters when they drop their hooks. It has not failed yet. We were the only boat, or one of just a few, and several boats arrived and anchored within the swing of our scope.
On our first weekend here, one raft of three sailboats was anchored so closely to us that their anchor ended up under our boat. I couldn’t bear to look, but I am pretty sure a dinghy came over to aid in getting their anchor up.
This past weekend, we were the only boat around, and I was on deck taking pictures of the island and its wildlife. A Grand Banks approached and circled us, they saw me and waved. Then, they dropped their anchor right in front of my picture taking. My jaw dropped open in disbelief because there was an entire anchorage available, and they picked that spot. And of course, they were quite close to us. However, later another little boat came in and dropped anchor between the Grand Banks and ourselves. By that time we could only shake our heads.
Regardless of the numbers and the closeness of so many boats, it has been quite amusing to witness the fun in our midst. As many as 10 boats can be rafted together in a line. Each boat usually has a dinghy. People either climb or swim between boats. There are scores of floatation toys, as well as kayaks and paddleboards. All sorts of flags and umbrellas decorate the various boats. There is whooping, hollering, shrieks of laughter, and the many sounds of fun. Music playing and the smell of grilled food fill the air. An ice cream boat rides past ringing a bell. Some people wear crazy hats, such as reindeer antlers or a beanie cap with a whirly propeller. Crowds gather on the beach. Fireworks are launched overhead and echo from the opposite shore. All in the name of summer fun!
As one of these fun days drew to a close, the harbor patrol and coast guard entered the area with their blue lights flashing. They were either saying it was time to end the party, or they were ready to check boaters as they returned to shore. Whichever way it was, the boaters seemed to disperse. There was only a handful that remained anchored for the night, including the little power boat decorated with multi-colored umbrellas and American flags . . . the one that bobbed right next to us. “Will you please pass the pepper?” we wanted to say.

very cute boat anchored right on our stern

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