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bottom painted & trampolines on

Posted by on June 25, 2012

fresh bottom paint & new trampolines

The bottom is painted and our new trampolines are on. We almost feel like celebrating!

Day 3 of bottom painting was the final day. One final coat, plus an additional coat at the waterline, was applied. It was extremely satisfying to pull the tape and see the finished product.

By the end of the bottom painting process, which was done in 90+ degree temperatures, we were completely drained. Wil probably not so much as myself. After the last coat was on the bottom, the only cool place I could find was on deck under our makeshift canopy. I lay down and took about an hour before I could move again.

The next day we spent some time fine-tuning the trampolines. While I had been with my dad during his open heart surgery, Wil and the kids had installed the new nets. However, it was a big learning process and there were a few wrinkled edges. Once I was back, we were able to work together to straighten and tighten the nets. I was on the scaffolding adjusting the lines from below, and Wil was on deck where he could see the bigger picture. (Our dazed & confused post leads to additional information on the multihull nets)

We are officially on the books for a launch date. It’s close and there are a lot of little things to get done in preparation for the big day. Since one never knows what might creep up to delay the big splash, mum is the word until it is absolute. But we are quite excited!

new port side trampoline ~ pacific blue

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