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Posted by on May 23, 2012

watching the wildlife calms the soul (American Goldfinch photo by Justine)

Checked off this week:

  • received FCC Ship’s Station license . . . check
  • Colin finished the 4th grade . . . check
  • Colin’s 10th birthday celebrated . . . check
  • Vesper AIS Watchmate 850 ordered and shipped . . . check
  • sold a water cooler, a clock radio, a set of lamps, a camera and a fire safe . . . check
  • re-listed the big, red dinghy and the corner desk . . . check
  • added more items to the moving sale listing . . . check
  • ordered feed pump for the water maker . . . check
  • located a rebuild kit for water maker . . . check
  • hauled off a truck load of trash . . . check
  • laundry . . . check
  • pack more . . . check
  • kids’ last music lessons . . . check
  • boys’ night out fishing . . . check
  • girls’ night out for books & coffee . . . check
  • dedicated to our inside joke about the cat . . . check
  • exhausted . . . check

Still need to:

  • finish filling out the kids’ passport applications
  • help Justine study for her last two tests
  • find the manual for the water maker
  • ship banjo & school books sold on ebay
  • keep packing
  • finish organizing the medical kit
  • get prescriptions filled
  • get dinghy registration
  • get car serviced & detailed before buyer pickup
  • make another charity trip
  • do last Costco shopping trip
  • fill out change-of-address form
  • try to remember everything
  • get some sleep
  • try to breathe

return to home page


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