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protecting our new hatches

Posted by on April 25, 2012

large hatch cover will be held on by 2 twist locks and the hatch handles

small hatch cover will be held by one twist lock

Thanks to Steve and James from Outland Hatch Covers, we are getting ready to have some really awesome hatch covers. The covers are made of an expanded PVC with a twist lock fastener designed and patented by both Steve and James themselves.

Steve and James came by to take hatch measurements and inventory. Then they returned with templates, as well as the twist lock, to make make sure cover sizes and lock placement will be just right. The handles on the larger hatches will be shaved off just enough (about a millimeter) on the underside in order to allow the cover to slide easily under the handles and be held securely in place. They also brought sample handles to show us how it would work.

At first glance on the smaller hatches, we wondered if the twist lock would interfere with the view from the inside looking out. Amazingly, it doesn’t. The lock seems to blend in with the hinge and handle.

We are very excited to know that all of our hard work (and money spent) will be protected. Not only will these hatch covers keep our new acrylic safe, but we will also be protected from the heat of the sun, and still be able to freely open our hatches for ventilation.

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