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more window work

Posted by on March 12, 2012


port window before

starboard window before

where was that drill bit I was looking for?








using a filet knife to cut the old caulking

cleaned & almost ready for caulking

prepping starboard window

port glass caulked in








starboard glass caulked in


Wil & I are starting to feel like professionals in the window replacement department. This weekend we replaced the salon windows facing aft to the cockpit. After removing the interior trim, and scoring the old caulking on the exterior, we used a filet knife to slice through all of the old adhesive. Earlier in our window replacement career, we would use old guitar strings like a hacksaw for this part. However, we have run out of guitar strings, and Colin’s guitar isn’t quite ready for another string change.

As we were pulling out the old starboard glass, there was one section where it wasn’t held down at all, and water came trickling out from underneath the glass. Guess we solved one water leak! At the same time, there was a section that seemed almost impossible to pull away. With constant determination, we managed to pull the glass free.

After the old glass is removed, it’s time to remove all old caulking & debris. Acetone, razor blades, a wire brush on the drill, and lots of elbow grease. While Wil used the old glass as a template to cut the new glass, I cleaned out the debris.

Prepping the area for the new glass involves priming the window and the new glass, placing a special double-sided sticky tape, and taping around the windows. Next, we set the glass in the window to make sure it properly fits. We use small rubber spacers to help position the glass to its exact spot. Once we’re sure the glass has been cut to its correct size, we put the caulking in, peel the tape, and stick the window. Sounds easy enough!

For the most part, putting in new windows, hatches, and ports has gone smoothly. Occasionally, there’s an “Oh you know what” drill. Like forgetting to peel the tape before placing the window on the caulking and wondering why the glass is sliding instead of sticking in place! That is a moment when we have to move quickly to prevent a horrible mess and a total re-do. When we first started doing this, tension would run high when a mistake was made. Yesterday, there were a couple of times when things didn’t go according to plan. We calmly, quietly, and even jokingly, worked our way through the mistake and made it right. Perfect team work!

new port glass

new starboard glass

beautiful new glass! salon doors next?
















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