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almost there!

Posted by on February 6, 2012


If you have a dream that you want to achieve . . . set the goal, figure out what needs to be done to achieve that goal, and then force yourself to do what it takes to get it done. It might be the hardest thing you’ve ever done, but the reward is worth it. Something I have to remind myself almost daily.

Twelve years ago, Wil & I set our goal to go cruising again. And today, as I look around at the overwhelming amount of items left on my to-do list, I think about the 17 short weeks left to wrap up our lives as landlubbers. No doubt about it . . . overwhelming is an understatement.

As I begin with our new blog site, I will attempt to post on a more regular basis, even if it’s only a few words. Time might be limited, but there are a lot of thoughts & feelings that go with the every day challenges.

This morning, along with a day of homeschooling, as well as feeling under the weather, I will continue with the ebaying & craigslisting of our many items being sold. After school, the kids will go to music lessons, and errands will include a stop at the post office and a donation drop at Goodwill. And then, if there’s still enough time in the day, I will continue to work on putting our medical kit together. At a later date, I will mention the thought process I’ve been going through about what I should include in our ship’s medical kit.

But now it is time for school.

The following pictures were taken in October 2011 during a busy work week on the boat. Justine is reading Science, while Colin is studying World History.



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