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new zealand ~ a taste of whangarei

Posted by on December 4, 2014

January 4 – 6, 2014

beautiful Gerber Daisies

During our next couple of days in Parua Bay, we had the pleasure of exploring the Whangarei Farmer’s Market. To this day, this market probably remains to be one of my favorites! Our friends in Parua Bay continued to be wonderful hosts. While Chip took Wil surfing, Barbara gave us small tours of the area.





vendors at the Whangarei Farmer's Market


meeting up with friends at the market ~ Sue & boys (s/v Yindee Plus) with my dad & me

gorgeous Lilies







participants getting their turn at weaving on the huge loom in The Bach



We visited The Bach (Basin Arts & Crafts House) and discovered it is home to something called the Whangarei Community Tapestry Project. The tapestry is a beautiful piece of work that has special meaning to a lot of people in Whangarei and surrounding areas.



the design for the Whangarei Community Tapestry Project






















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