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big seas gear

Posted by on September 14, 2012

Remember the parachute anchor chain plates that we installed on the bows? After finishing the chain plates for the bow, we had the stern chain plates made for a series drogue attachment, but we didn’t get them installed before we started cruising. Our series drogue had been ordered, but it needed to be custom made and then shipped from England. Therefore, we weren’t in a rush to complete what would be a tricky installation.

Last week, our series drogue, along with the bow and stern anchor bridles, arrived in Cape Cod, so this week we installed the stern chain plates. This involved disconnecting the steering quadrants on both sides, the autopilot, and air vent hoses. Since we are in the water now, holding the new stainless steel plates in place while taking measurements, drilling holes, and placing nuts had to be done with extra care, so as not to drop anything in the water. At lot of time and money were involved in their creation. To lose the plates now would not be a good thing.

drilling holes for chain plate installation

port plate for the series drogue

starboard backing plate

Wil's chest size

will he fit?

he fits!

































After installation of the stern plates, Wil opened the series drogue packages. The line, with 167 tiny parachutes, needed to be properly laid out in the deployment bag.

There was a time when I was considering sewing and attaching all 167 parachutes myself, but now I’m glad I didn’t. Maybe one day I’ll have time for such a project, but for the time being, it was worth paying someone else for it.

one of 167 tiny parachutes

placing the series drogue in its deployment bag

nice job!

series drogue & attachment bridle























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