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100 days!

Posted by on September 10, 2012

Celebrating 100 days since Wil hung up his boots!

One hundred days ago, we became new liveaboards on the hard in Beaufort, working desperately hard everyday for a month to get the boat in the water. Once in the water, we went through almost every possible breakdown with engines, electrical, and refrigeration. But, our spirits didn’t break! The kids experienced their first offshore passage to New England. We’ve all felt seasick, but now we can anchor in a rolly harbor or have bumpy seas, and we’re okay. We continued to sort through our belongings and get rid of more things that cluttered the boat. (Not sure if that will ever end!) We started a new school year and made new friends. We sailed with whales and cruised Massachusetts and Maine. Now, we wait for the hurricanes to subside, and we will continue our journey south.

We have had our ups and downs as we transitioned from landlubbers to cruisers, and there is still transition left to go. We are thrilled to be achieving our dreams, as well as cherishing every new experience the world is showing us.

We’ve come a long way over these past 100 days, and there are many more miles to go! Looking forward to seeing what the next 100 days will bring us.

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