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first boat bread

Posted by on August 10, 2012

nice to see fresh bread on the counter


Even though I had perfected my bread baking techniques prior to moving aboard (thanks to my mother-in-law!), I had not tried making any bread on the boat yet. During our move, the task seemed daunting. Then, we dealt with the adjustment of living onboard. Now life is finding its way, and I was finally ready to give it a shot.

I usually make the dough from scratch starting with grinding the wheat berries for flour. (Remember the grain grinder and wheat berries that were packed amidst one of those 4 truck loads a few months ago?) Although, I admit that this time around, I already had some wheat pre-ground, so I was able to skip the grinding process for this batch of bread.

This recipe doesn’t require any kneading by hand. The electric mixer with a dough hook does all the hard work. However, if we are ever short on power, I can do everything by hand . . . including the grinding. (That’s when I’ll enlist the kids!) In order to create the loaves, I flatten the dough on an oiled cookie sheet, and then roll it up and tuck the ends.

I placed two loaves in bread pans for the oven method, as well as one loaf in the pressure cooker for the stove-top method. Success! They all rose, and the smell of fresh baked bread was out of this world! We all had warm bread with butter for lunch.

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