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getting around town

Posted by on August 6, 2012

on their way to Pilgrim Memorial Park

Whether it’s Pilgrims marching down the street to the sound of beating drums, or Native Americans paddling in their dugout canoes, there are many ways to get around the town of Plymouth. We chose the city bus system.

While we were able to get some fresh vegetables from a local farmer’s market nearby, we discovered that the nearest economical grocery store was almost 2 miles away. Sure we can easily walk that distance, but it’s a difficult task when you’re carrying a load of groceries on the return trip. I immediately started my transportation research.

The GATRA bus stop is about 6 blocks down from the marina where we are docked. While Wil continued with boat repairs, the kids and I hopped the bus to the grocery store. With a fare of just $2 each way ($1/adult, $0.50/child), we were able to economically achieve our shopping goals. Along the way, we also learned that the bus stops at a few major shopping centers, the train stations, as well as the local beach. If you request it, the drivers will happily drop you off at any non-designated stop along the way. We were able to shave one block off our return walk by getting off the bus a tad sooner.

The kids were great sports for their first “cruising” grocery trip. They now understand that we are on a tight budget and every item must be chosen wisely. They also quickly learned that we can only buy what we can carry. Colin wanted a gallon of Hawaiian Punch as his special request. If he wanted it, he had to carry it (without complaint), and so he did.

It was nice to have the extra help from the kids They are great to have around, so I think I’ll keep them!

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