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bottom painting ~ day 2, plus meet the manatee

Posted by on June 22, 2012

first coat of Trinidad blue

nice to see a solid colored bottom









After a good night’s sleep, Wil and I managed to drag our stiff bodies out of bed and continue with the bottom painting process. Since there wasn’t as much prep work, we were able to begin painting just before 9 a.m.

We applied the last coat of epoxy barrier coat and managed to use just less than the 2 gallons we had hoped for. Then, our fingers were crossed that the first coat of bottom paint would only take 2 gallons, and it did. As we get further into the process, the gallons seem to be covering more distance, and we are getting more efficient. Compared to yesterday’s 7 1/2-hour day, today we applied the same number of coats in just 4 1/2 hours. We were quite excited with the earlier day. Tomorrow we will apply the last coat of bottom paint, as well as spread a little extra along the waterline.

Once we were done painting, we got a little ice cream treat and went to cool off in the ship’s store. As we were leaving the store, Colin motioned for us to come over to the basin. The manatee had returned (or never left). This time, I went straight for a hose on the dock and turned it on. The manatee immediately approached the stream of water. Not only did the large mammal drink from the hose, but it also rolled in the water and scrubbed itself like it was taking a shower. We even heard a cute little sneeze! We took turns watering the mantee for at least 30 minutes. The up close and personal interaction with the manatee was an incredible experience for all of us.

See our wildlife sightings post for a little more background about the West Indian Manatee.

rolling over for a shower

used its arms to scrub its chest









manatee tail

manatee floating along side the dock











manatee tail

looking for a drink of water









manatee's backside

how about a kiss?









manatee tail

almost cute & cuddly!





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