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pink & blue jobs

Posted by on June 9, 2012

Just recently, Wil read how some people refer to jobs as blue or pink. Blue jobs being for the men. Pink jobs being for the women. Since then, we have joked around about a job being blue or pink.

Even though I’m perfectly capable of changing a fuel filter, or doing a lot of blue jobs, yesterday was a day when I needed to tend to some pink jobs. While Wil remained in the engine rooms for most of the day doing those blue jobs, I used the borrowed van to head off into town. Laundry needed to be washed, parts needed to be picked up from West Marine, as well as the hardware and auto parts stores, and another bank stop needed to be made.

It was like Christmas when I returned. As I unpacked the West Marine boxes and bags, I sorted through our 6 gallons of epoxy barrier coat, 4 gallons of Trinidad blue bottom paint, the new main halyard, 24 Racor filters, a zinc prop nut, hose clamps, red handheld flares, orange smoke flares, 12 gauge aerial flares, and a parachute flare.

Begrudgingly, and after a full day, Wil managed to complete the Racor filter and remote oil filter installations in both engine rooms. An oil spill is left to clean up on the starboard side before tidying up on the port side. Wil wants to know why engine manufacturers design sailboat engines with the oil filters located on the hardest to reach side of the engine. In order to change an oil filter, a person usually has to lay across the top of the engine, reach behind it, and then attempt to remove the filter without spilling the oil. For this reason, he has removed the filter from this inconvenient location, and placed it on the wall next to the engine, making it a lot more accessible. Oil filter changes should be a breeze from now on!

barrier coat & bottom paint await

filters destined for the port engine room

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