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lost in time

Posted by on June 7, 2012

coastal NC fishing boat ~ photo by Wil


sunset at Jarrett Bay ~ photo by Wil

June sky at sunset ~ photo by Justine

For the first time, we are starting to feel lost in time. Today, we had to ask what day it was. Not such bad thing when you’re cruising. However, we still have a bit of a schedule to keep in order to get ourselves back in the water. I also keep feeling the need to look at the calendar to make sure I don’t miss an appointment or kids’ play date, but there is nothing. Only the next day’s boat work.

One week has already passed. The time is moving quickly. Wil has decided to tell everyone who asks that we’ll be in the water in 3 weeks. No matter if it’s this week, or next week, or the week after. Three weeks is possible, but one never knows.

Wil spent much of the day in the engine rooms doing a variety of jobs. He started the Racor 500 filter installations on both engines, as well as the installation of remote oil filters. He briefly cranked the starboard engine and it purred without hesitation. Our new lithium batteries arrived today. Colin waxed his polish job from yesterday. The kids spent quite a bit of time playing separately in their cabins. I re-worked our lazy jack system to make it more functional with a cleaner look and less line. And of course, the daily chore of storing our stacks of homeless belongings continued.

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